What was it that was to be liked about the 1974 Scribner High School football team?
Was it the record, 10 wins and no losses? Was it the defense; five shutouts to open the season? Was it how easy they won; about a 30-margin or more in all but one game?
Might it have been the way this Class C team took on unbeaten Class B Wayne in the season finale (Husker Conference playoff game) and, although challenged, stepped through a 13-6 victory?
Historian Jerry Mathers, in his 1978 high school sports book, looked upon this bunch, coached by Dick Tingelhoff, as one of Class C’s best football teams…. ever.
They were big enough and bad enough, with all-state tackle John Havekost and linebacker Tim Dahl the leaders of an aggressive defense that permitted just four touchdowns all season long and that includes when the reserves were having their go.
Points scored: 391. Points allowed: 25. Shutouts: 7. All the while playing a strong schedule. ‘Nuff said. Great team. They had a great time.
Scribner Football ?1974 ?10-0
Elmer Armstrong G
Ron Baumert C
Glenn Baumert G-E
Clark Benne HB-QB
Randy Bremmer E
James Dahl HB
Scott Dahl DE
Tim Dahl FB
Tony Daugherty HB
Mike Daugherty G
Lanny Gebers G
Pat Grosserode G
Don Hagedorn HB
John Havekost T
Jeff Helgenberger HB
Greg Hoge C
Mike Kelly T
Kim Killingsworth
Mark Langemeier G
Stan Lutes T
Dave McHenry
Ron Meyer QB
Jay Muller E
Steve Peters E
Stan Pfeiffer T
Russell Poppe QB
Dan Poppe HB-E
Tom PorterG
Jeff Pribnow HB
Larry Ristau FB
Warren Schlecht HB
Kevin Schulenberg E
Dan Schultz HB
Paul Steil FB
Eric Stockamp
Mark Svec G
Ken Thomas LB-HB
Gary Tienken G-C
Don Tonjes T
Don Von Seggern G
Glenn Von Seggern HB
Terry Von Seggern C
Glenn Wapelhorst T
Kevin Wapelhorst HB
Lyle Westphalen G
Jon Wiese E
Kevin Rosenkotter, manager
Gordon Vavricek, statistician
Head Coach:
Dick Tingelhoff
Assistant Coaches:
Allen Rubesh
Curtis Helgenberger
Paul Eddie
Principal: Harry Swanda
Game By Game
With the Trojans:
Dodge, 42-0
North Bend, 29-0
Lyons, 62-0
West Point, 38-0
Pender, 35-0
Wisner-Pilger, 38-7
Logan View, 41-6
Tekamah-Herman, 32-0
Omaha Holy Name 29-0
Oakland-Craig, 32-6
Wayne, 13-6 |