In 1946, Atkinson St. Joseph’s basketball team, a small school power in the era, stayed at 3422 East Pershing Road in Lincoln–being put up in homes was common place in those days, rather than going to hotels.

The following letter was written by the wife of their host:


My Dear Boys:

Just a week ago today, we bid you boys goodbye but feel we have made some real friends, and hope you will all be back to visit us sometime in the near future.

What a grand surprise we had last Monday when the Rosewell florist delivered a vase of beautiful flowers and such a nice card with the name of each boy who stayed with us.

I am just as proud of the card as I am the flowers. The flowers are gorgeous. They are huge yellow daffodils and white stocks and snaps. Such a beautiful mixture.

Father Lahman sent us two dozen lovely red roses. They are keeping so nice.

I’m trying to keep them until Curt gets home. We had a wire from him saying he had his discharge. I think he will fly in tomorrow. He will surely appreciate how kind and thoughtful you boys have been. I wish he could have met you.

We are so happy that you won the tournament. We know you worked hard for that honor. And it gives us much pleasure to say we had the St. Joseph boys with us.

Of course, we claim you now since you spent that little time with us and we congratulate you on your success. That compensates somewhat for the hard work and effort you have put forth to make your team what it is. I’m sure your home town is proud of you.

Keep winning boys and make the most of your lives. Success is a reward in itself.

Come visit us any time you are in Lincoln.

Sincerely your friends,

The Knudsons, Thelma and Evan